#The Panda's Maze
by Dillon Newberg
I hope you enjoy this interactive experience.
To begin, please click [[here->The Panda's Maze]].]Here is how this works:
1. You proceed through the maze until you reach a crossroad.
2. Each crossroad has a riddle. Answer correctly and you'll find your way out of the maze.
3. Do not answer incorrectly. You'll regret it. I won't, but you will.
Are you ready?
If you want to see where the riddles come from, check out the (t8n-time:1s)[[source->riddle]].
For the images click [[here.->images]]Yay, you're playing!!! Oh, and guess what. You're starting at a crossroad.
Here's the first riddle (This is easy): A man who was outside in the rain without an umbrella or hat didn't get a single hair wet. Why?
A. He wore a hoodie. [[(Go Left)]]
B. He was completely bald. [[(Go Right)]]You don't want to play? That's too bad because I already closed the door... I guess you have to, my friend. [[Teehee...->Yes]]You go left aaaaannnd...you're at a dead end.
You're not the first to choose that answer. Don't feel too bad, friend. Since it's the first round, I'll go easy on you. Just go (t8n-time:1s)[[back->Yes]] and try again.Yay!!! Good job!
Let's keep going (link-reveal: "shall we.")[ (link-reveal: "Over the rocks")[(link-reveal: ", pass the cobwebs")[(link-reveal: ", avoid the snake...")[(link-reveal: "I mean, what snake? There are no snakes here. This a fun little maze. Totally harmless. Teehee.")[
Hey, look! Another crossroad. [[Whew...]]]]]]]Lookie here, (link-reveal: "now.")[(link-reveal: " The left path seems to have five little froggies and the right has seve...BATS!!! They are so adorable!!!")[(link-reveal: " Ahem. Sorry, I think bats are cute. Anyway...")[
(link-reveal: "I'll make this a bit difficult. Use the paths as clues. *wink*")[
Riddle 3: I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I?
Five [[(Go Left)->Go Left]]
Seve... [[(Go Right)->Go Right]]]]]]You sure you want to go that (link-reveal: "way?")[(link-reveal: " Ok, it's your choice friend.")[
(link-reveal: "Just keep walking.")[
(link-reveal: "And walking. Oh look, the ''frogs'' are following you.")[
(link-reveal: "And we're walking.")[
And...a dead end. Hmph, that doesn't seem [[right.]]]]]]]Yippee!!!
(link-reveal: "I'm impressed.")[ (link-reveal: "You're so smart and talented.")[(link-reveal: " Hope you don't mind the cute bats. They're so adorable!!!")[
<img src="https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/f97b74865ff94af5ea2706a73b73412bd06f7175/0_0_5189_3115/master/5189.jpg?width=1200&height=1200&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=f07ce081703f7f20bc5dbcf7d9288410" width="400" heigth="500">
(link-reveal: "Anyway, skip and skip down the path")[(link-reveal: ", until we reach his wrath.")[(link-reveal: " Wrath!? No one said that. Are you feeling well?")[
Oh, look. Here's the [[next crossroad!->Fourth Riddle]]]]]]]](link-reveal: "*ribet*")[
(link-reveal: "It seems like the frogs agree.")[
(link-reveal: "*ribet* *ribet*")[
(link-reveal: "Hey, have you noticed that these frogs are blue and red?")[
(link-reveal: "*ribet* *ribet*")[
What kind of frogs are those [[again?]]]]]]]OH YEAH!!! They're poison dart (link-reveal: "frogs.")[
<img src="https://cff2.earth.com/uploads/2019/06/10163715/Poison-dart-frogs-are-able-to-develop-a-mental-map.jpg" width="400" heigth="500">
(link-reveal: "*ribet* *ribet*")[
(link-reveal: "Fun fact: the touch of their skin injects a poison that's most likely fatal. Isn't that lovely?")[
(link-reveal: "*ribet* *ribet*")[
Why do you look scared? You want to leave? Alright, but I won't do this next time. You'll have to enjoy whatever little critter you're stuck with. Back we (t8n-time:1s)[[go->Next (2)]].]]]]Ok, LAST ONE!!! Hope you're excited.
Word of (link-reveal: "advice")[(link-reveal: ", think carefully with this last one.")[(link-reveal: " This will determine if you find the end of this maze.")[(link-reveal: " On the left, is a tunnel leading to a light at the end. On the right, there appears to be...a wooden box?")[
(link-reveal: "Riddle 4: The person who makes it has no need of it; the person who buys it has no use for it. The person who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it? ")[
[[The Light]]
[[The Wooden Box?]]]]]]]<img src="https://i0.wp.com/www.mormonwomenstand.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/light-in-the-dark.jpg" width="400" heigth="250">
//You run to the end of the// (link-reveal: "//path.//")[
(link-reveal: "Wow! You made it out of the maze. I'm impressed.")[
(link-reveal: "You know, most people actually get this far, believe it or not.")[
(link-reveal: "You never did answer my question before. You know, about who told you about this place.")[
No one? [[Ok...]]]]]]Are you sure about (link-reveal: "this?")[
(link-reveal: "It looks like a coffin.")[
(link-reveal: "Nothing good ever comes from one of these...")[
(link-reveal: "//You open it, revealing a light.//")[
<img src="https://cdn-prod.medicalnewstoday.com/content/images/articles/325/325118/light-in-the-dark.jpg" width="400" heigth="250">
(link-reveal: "I'm begging you don't go in there.")[
(link-reveal: "You'll be making a mistake.")[
[[Go Through The Coffin.]]
(t8n-time:1s)[[Go The Other Way.->The Light]]]]]]]]Here's another (link-reveal: "question")[(link-reveal: ": Do you know where we are right now?")[
(link-reveal: "A nice open field")[ (link-reveal: "where hunters would love to hunt their prey.")[ (link-reveal: "The only difference is that there's a nice little dome, so the prey can't escape.")[
(link-reveal: "*Door Closes*")[
(link-reveal: "And guess what, my delicious friend.")[ (link-reveal: "My name is not Andap,")[ (link-reveal: "it's Panda and this is my field.")[
For getting this far, I'll give you a 10 second head start. So please, make this fun for [[me!!!]]]]]]]]]]]//You are dead...//
(t8n-time:1s)[[Restart?->Title Page]]//You make it to the end of the// (link-reveal: "//maze.//")[
(link-reveal: "//You notice that Andap isn't behind you...//")[
(link-reveal: "//Neither is the maze...//")[ (link-reveal: "//but, there is a note that says://")[
[[Congratulations!]]]]]]You are the first one to survive the Panda's Maze.
Want to know what I mean?
(t8n-time:1s)[[Play again...->Title Page]]Riddles presented by:
Click [[Rules]] to go back.Welcome!
If you're here, then that means you must be here to have the time of your life. Not many come and visit my neck of the woods, you know. So, I'm happy you're here. Tell me, how did you find out about this place? Through a friend, family member...OH!!! How rude of me. Let me introduce myself. My is Andap, the host of this wonderful game and creator of this fantastic maze.
I know what you're thinking, "Did he say a game and maze"? The answer is yes, my young friend.
If you want to know more, come in and check out the [[Rules]]!I hope you're ready for this one, my lucky contestant. I'm kicking things up a notch and this might just be a doozie.
This crossroad is a little (link-reveal: "different.")[(link-reveal: " You see that podium in front of us")[, it has a key that opens both of the [[doors]] next to us.
<img src="http://photographytricks.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/choice-1024x682.jpg" width="400" heigth="500">
]] You need to open the right door to move (link-reveal: "forward.")[(link-reveal: " If not")[(link-reveal: ", there'll be a nice little surprise waiting for you. Heehee.")[(link-reveal: "
Riddle 4: If you're running in a race and you pass the person in second place, what place are you in?
[[Unlock the right door]]
[[Unlock the left door]]]]]]//The door on your left appears to have the term "1st" written on it, while the door on the right appears to have the term "2nd" on it. How strange...you think it's a [[clue?->Fourth Riddle]]//What's behind (link-reveal: "door number 2?")[(link-reveal: "
//Opens door//")[(link-reveal: "
Behind this door is...")[(link-reveal: "A CLEAR PASSAGE!!!")[(link-reveal: " Oh, it's a clear passage.")[(link-reveal: " Sorry for the outburst. Teehee, silly me.")[(link-reveal: " Let's proceed my juvenile companion.")[(link-reveal: " Forward march!")[(link-reveal: "
Left")[(link-reveal: ", left")[(link-reveal: ",
Left, right, left.")[
Ignore the [[scratches]] on the wall, by the way. I really need to tidy up around here.]]]]]]]]]]]What's behind (link-reveal: "door number 1?")[
(link-reveal: "//Opens door//")[
(link-reveal: "Hmm...It's kind of dark in here.")[(link-reveal: " Will you stay here while I find a torch?")[(link-reveal: " You will? Great")[(link-reveal: ", I'll be back in jiffy.")[
(link-reveal: "//Hiss//")[
(link-reveal: "//Hiss//")[
(link-reveal: "//The sounds intrigue you. What will you do?//")[
[[Stay put?]]]]]]]]]]]//You notice the claw marks on the wall.
You wonder why they're here. In your mind, you question if it's a part of the// (link-reveal: "//decor...//")[(link-reveal: "
This maze is my pride and joy.")[(link-reveal: " I put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into making it, and I mean a lot.")[(link-reveal: " What do I mean by that, you ask? Well, that's my wittle secret and I won't tell. Teehee.")[
Oh, goody! Here comes the [[final crossroad->crossroad!]].]]]](link-reveal: "//You listen by the door, anxiously.//")[(link-reveal: "
//Hiss...//")[(link-reveal: "//hiss...//")[(link-reveal: "
//You walk into the room.//")[(link-reveal: "
//Hiss...//")[(link-reveal: "//hiss...//")[(link-reveal: "
//The sound turns to sounds as you go deeper...//")[(link-reveal: "
//Hiss, hiss,//")[(link-reveal: "
//...and deeper into the unknown.//")[(link-reveal: "
//Hiss, hiss, hiss//")[
[[Teehee...]]]]]]]]]]]](link-reveal: "//Closes door//")[(link-reveal: "
//You patiently wait for Andap...//")[(link-reveal: "//for three hours...//")[(link-reveal: "
So sorry, friend. I ended up getting lost in here.")[(link-reveal: " Sad, I know. I couldn't find a spare torch anywhere.")[(link-reveal: " Guess we'll have to try our luck with door number two.")[
What surprises lie ahead? Woooo, so spooky.
[[Unlock the right door]]]]]]]](link-reveal: "//Door closes//")[(link-reveal: "
//You try to open the door...but, it won't budge.//")[(link-reveal: "
//Hiss...//")[(link-reveal: "//hiss...//")[(link-reveal: "
//The sounds are getting closer.//")[(link-reveal: "
//Hiss...//")[(link-reveal: "//hiss...//")[(link-reveal: "
//There's no way out and there's no way to see-//")[(link-reveal: "
<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/95/41/d2/9541d2279798c9f8b6832e7571d2d64e.jpg" width="400" heigth="250">
//[[Oh, no.->GAME OVER]]//]]]]]]]]]Before we continue, I forgot to tell you (link-reveal: "something.")[ (link-reveal: "With every crossroad, you'll be given a riddle that's harder than the last one.")[ (link-reveal: "But don't worry, the first two rounds are easy")[(link-reveal: ", and after all...it is just a game...")[
(link-reveal: "Anyway, time for the next head scratcher.")[
Riddle 2: What can you catch, but not throw?
A. A cold. [[(Go Left)->A cold]]
B. Your breath. [[(Go Right)->Your breath (2)]]]]]]](link-reveal: "Achoo!")[(link-reveal: " I mean, yahoo! See what I did there? Heehee.")[(link-reveal: "
Two down, three more to go. Let's keep it moving to and fro. Fair warning though")[(link-reveal: ", these next set of riddles are not going to be like the last two, you have to pay attention to the maze to find the answers.")[(link-reveal: "
Got it?")[ Yay! I knew you would understand, my friend.
Now, let's put you to the test with the next [[one->Next]].]]]]]To the right we go (link-reveal: "aaaannnnd")[(link-reveal: "...ahh. It appears to be a dead end.")[(link-reveal: " Hey look, there seems to be a some sort of [[prints->print]] on this wall here.")[
(link-reveal: "It's probably nothing.")[(link-reveal: " Or maybe it belongs to, oh I don't know, a savage beast...")[ I'm joking. I'm joking. We're completely safe here. Teehee.
Now, lets turn [[back->Whew...]] and try again shall we.]]]]]//The prints seems to belong to an animal.
They look kind of like a bear's.
You wonder if this is a part of the maze, but something feels off to you. The prints has a strange smell coming from it...
[[You realize that it smells like metal...like blood...->Your breath (2)]]//
<img src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4N5viBPoSY8YaNADZXTch1mio7CYbOMbw3w&usqp=CAU" alt="Paw Print" width="400" heigth="500">Ok. Let's try this again, my (link-reveal: "friend.")[
(link-reveal: "I will tell you the hint once again, teehee")[(link-reveal: ": on the left, there are five frogs and on the right, there are SEVEN...")[(link-reveal: "BATS!!!")[
(link-reveal: "Sorry, again. Give me a second, won't you.")[ (link-reveal: "Ok, Andap. Calm down. They are just adorable creatures, remember your exercises.")[(link-reveal: " *takes deep breath*")[
(link-reveal: " My apologies, friend. Thank you for being patient with me. Here's the riddle again.")[
Riddle 3: I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become EVEN. What number am I?
Five [[(Go Left)->Go Left (2)]]
SEVEN [[(Go Right)->Go Right]]]]]]]]]]You really want to go back down here (link-reveal: "again?")[(link-reveal: "
Ok, don't say I didn't warn you.")[(link-reveal: " Teehee...")[
[[*ribet*->GAME OVER]]]]]//What will you// (link-reveal: "//do?//")[
[[//Or Fight!//->GAME OVER]]](link-reveal: "1...")[(link-reveal: "
//You run as fast as you can.//")[(link-reveal: "
2...")[(link-reveal: "
//Faster and faster...You don't stop.//")[(link-reveal: "
//You look around, hoping to find a place to //[[//hide...//->hide...]]]]]]](link-reveal: "4...")[(link-reveal: "
//There are no places to hide.//")[(link-reveal: " //Not in an open field, where you're completely exposed.//")[(link-reveal: "
5...")[(link-reveal: "
//You consider your options.//")[(link-reveal: " //Maybe there's something you could use as a weapon...//")[
[[6...]]]]]]]]//There's a stick and a rock. Maybe these can// (link-reveal: "//help you.//")[(link-reveal: "
7...")[(link-reveal: "
//You must decide now.//")[ *[[Stand and fight->GAME OVER]]**, or **[[run like heck!]]*]]](link-reveal: "8...")[(link-reveal: "
//You run like heck.//")[(link-reveal: "
9...")[(link-reveal: "
//You can't stop now, or your fate will be sealed.//")[(link-reveal: "
10...")[(link-reveal: "
I hope you're ready because...")[(link-reveal: " I")[(link-reveal: " am")[(link-reveal: " HUNGRY!!!")[
<img src="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1505496875-17a0c521864c?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MXwxMjA3fDB8MHxzZWFyY2h8MTR8fHBhbmRhfGVufDB8fDB8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=500&q=60" alt="Panda" width="343" heigth="500"> [[Teehee.->GAME OVER]]]]]]]]]]]''Bat Photo presented by:''
''Light in the Dark presented by:''
''Light at the End Photo presented by:''
''Panda Photo presented by:''
''Paw Print Photo presented by:''
''Poison Dart Frog Photo presented by:''
''Snake Photo presented by:''
''Two Doors Photo presented by:''
Click [[Rules]] to go back.